What's blueish-gray in colour, the size of a Pine Siskin, and enjoys spending lots of time upside down? These unique little birds are a frequent visitor to most backyards, often following chickadees to feed from feeders.
Birding Articles
Saturday, December 31, 2022
The Upside Down Bird
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Have you ever looked out at your suet feeder only to see it covered in small greyish birds? Those are Bushtits, and they are a very social group during the winter months. Bushtits travel around in flocks of 40+ birds and only have one goal: food. Typically, bushtits feed on insects and can be spotted bouncing around in shrubs and trees looking for their next meal. While they primarily go for insects, you can find the bushtits at your suet feeder and even sometimes going for the hulled sunflower and peanuts as a supplementary food supply. As they are very social birds, you are likely to see ten or twelve of them on your suet feeder at once, before they fly off for the next group of twelve. Once the flock has fed, they are off as quickly as they came.
Bushtits are commonly—and accurately—described as small grey birds without any field markings that are always on the move. They are about 4 inches in size, slightly smaller than a chickadee, with a tail that looks long compared to their body. The bushtits are grey with a bit of a brownish colour on their head, and no other field markings. They have tiny bills, smaller than those of a chickadee. Bushtits are always moving, and they are also chattering to each other constantly with short tseep and tsip calls. Often you can hear them high in the treetops long before you see them.
Keep an eye out for these energetic birds at your backyard suet feeder or in trees and shrubs, as they are a great joy to watch flit about.
Good birding!
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Winter Help for the Birds
Written by Colin Bartlett
Now that the winter weather has arrived it
is important for the birds that the bird feeders and baths are available.
Although birds do not put on fat to help keep them warm they do need to feed
frequently to keep their energy levels full, as this is what will keep them
warm during the night.
Keeping the feeder topped up with dry seed is a great help to many of the birds seen in the backyard but what about those that winter here and feed on berries and ground insects like the American Robins. One way is to place a piece of plywood, tarp, or some object on the garden or lawn. This cover will create a warm spot and keep the soil from freezing so when the snow flies simply move the cover which will allow access to the bugs in the garden. Another option is to turn the garden soil, about 12 inches deep, which will give access for the birds to find insects.
Other food that can be placed out for the
robins and thrush are apples, blueberries, and even cranberries. Cut the apples
into quarters or halves and place them along with the berries on a tray in a
tree or area that you see the robins frequenting. You may also see the juncos
and towhees enjoying them.
Water is another important part of bird
daily living, especially in freezing temperatures. Birds use the water for
drinking as well as bathing, even in the cold temperatures. They need to keep
their feathers clean and organized to keep them warm. If there is any dirt in
their feathers it allows cold to get in, similar if your winter coat had a hole
in it. A bird bath heater can be used to keep a bird bath from freezing and
attract the birds to your backyard as it will probably be the only water source
available. The convenience is not going out every morning in the cold to deice
the bird bath. If the bird bath is put away for the winter use a shallow dish,
about one inch deep, as a temporary bird bath or with a deeper dish place some
rocks in the dish to create a shallow pool for the birds.
Winter months are a hard time for the birds
especially when covered in snow and ice. Each day the birds need to intake
enough energy to survive the day and night and then do it all over again the
next day. For most of our other backyard visitors keeping the bird feeders
filled with good seed so that it is available first thing in the morning for
them to top up their energy used over night is a great help.
Good Birding!
Colin Bartlett